Here we are on the internet with a gazillion home based businesses outthere that anyone can join to make money. Good money! Hey, it's 2009! All we have to do in order to make money is sit down in frontof our computer screen, move the mouse around, point and click, and we're making money. Who would have thought of such a thing twenty five years ago? Or even just fifteen to twenty years ago? Today there are literally hundreds of businesses on the internet with people making money online all over the place! Different businesses appeal to different people. But one thing is for sure: money is money! It does not matter whether your online business is selling beef jerky or ancient gold coins on eBay. The news media talks about a recession and tough economic times. People are being laid off from their jobs in huge numbers. But, in 2009, the reality is that an excellent source of income is no further away than right there on our lap top. All we have to do is search through some good online businesses, pick out one or more that appeal to us, sign up, and presto! We have a source of income! How often do we hear about this phenomenon in the news these days? Not very often! The point is, nobody should ever worry about being without a source of income in this day and age. A good source of income is literally a click away. In 1969 a gentleman named Neil Armstrong stepped down from a small spacecraft onto a barren and dusty surface and said to all of humanity: "That is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." It was mind blowing. Today there are people sitting in front of their screens in their pajamas in the middle of the night joining businesses and lining themselves up with excellent sources of income. At the click of a button! Also mind blowing! Can you imagine such a thing in 1930? Imagine walking up to people standing in line desperate for work to earn money and saying to them: "Here is a laptop computer, take a look, click a few buttons, and you are in business earning money right from home or anyplace you like." The type of online business that we join is not necessarily importantas long as it is realistic and provides an excellent, steady income. The main point is that our online business should be something thatappeals to us and that we enjoy doing. The important factor in thiswhole making money online thing is this: Feel good. That is all there is to it. If we feel good about what we are doing and have positive expectancy, we will do well and make money. And when we see the money being directly deposited into our bank account as a resultof our online business, we feel really good! That will lead us to even further inspired action in our business to earn even more money. I wish you all the best.
BIO:If you are searching for a very reliable income from home that provides high earnings quickly with long term dependability, comevisit with us;
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
When It Comes to Money, Act as if You Have It Already
Remember when you were a 6 year old kid and pretending that you were asuperhero, cowboy, Indian, or space adventurer? Maybe you wereSupergirl, Wonder Woman, or one of Charlie's Angels. Remember how realthat felt? You almost felt like you could fly. Suddenly your mombroke the magic feeling and called you into the house for dinner. Your mom would tell you that it is fun to be a kid and believe thatyou are actually a superhero in a cape but that someday you will haveto grow up and live in the real world and face reality. As mature,sophisticated adults we sometimes wonder what happened to the magicworld of childhood, pretending, playing make believe, and feeling asif the whole thing were actually real. Kids have a great time fantasizing because when they are doing it theyfeel the wonderful sensations of actually being the person they arefantasizing about. A kid shooting baskets through a hoop mounted ontothe garage is not just a kid playing in his dad's driveway, he is anNBA star and it is the final seconds of the game. He can hear thecheers of the crowd as he slam dunks another basket. Most adults havelost the ability to fantasize about something to the point where itactually seems real. They have become conditioned to focus on thingsas they are and face the reality of the physical world around them. In his book, Psycho Cybernetics, Maxwell Maltz, M.D. explains thatyour nervous system cannot tell the difference between an imaginedexperience and a real experience. In either case, it reactsautomatically to information which you give to it from your forebrain.Your nervous system reacts appropriately to what you think or imagineto be true. The nervous system of the kid shooting baskets in thedriveway is reacting as appropriately as if he were actually an NBAsuperstar. For all intents and purposes, the nervous system of anadult reacts the same as that of a kid. Money, and having plenty of it, is something that a mature,sophisticated adult can fantasize about. This is something that anadult can do to fool his nervous system into reacting appropriatelyand make him feel as if he has plenty of it. These feelings willresult in behavioral changes where the good old adult will begin toperform inspired actions that will actually result in the accumulationof riches. Is this pretending? Yes. Is it childish to pretend sucha thing? No, because this is something based on reality, not fantasy.This is simply what many successful entrepreneurs are able to do. They close their eyes and picture the end result. They imaginethemselves as extremely successful with more money than they know whatto do with. They enjoy the wonderful feeling and act upon it. Theyare the super hero in the cape, the NBA player who just scored thewinning basket, and their mom doesn't call them into the house fordinner and break the magical spell. It happens all the time. Try it,fantasize about yourself having an abundance of money, act as if youhave it already, and your nervous system will do the rest. The magicwill happen.
If you are searching for a very reliable income from home thatprovides high earnings quickly with long term dependability, comevisit with us;
If you are searching for a very reliable income from home thatprovides high earnings quickly with long term dependability, comevisit with us;
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Advertising to Ourselves to Make Money
We know that repetition is the main ingredient to advertising. Consumers need to see an ad several times before they will respond toit and take some sort of action to buy the product. Rarely do peoplerush right out and buy something just because they saw a single TVcommercial, it usually takes quite a few ads to get them to respond. Huge companies like McDonalds, Budweiser, and Coke have manycommercials airing at all times for their products. How manycommercials does McDonalds air on the Super Bowl? A lot more thanone. McDonalds has been in business and very successful for manyyears and the company knows that people need to see and hear thatMcDonalds hamburgers and fries are what they need and want. Would not it be nice if there was advertising airing on TV all thetime 24 hours a day that would make money for us? Can you imaginewatching the Super Bowl and having an advertisement air that wouldsignificantly increase our income? Well, there are suchadvertisements and they are airing all the time. Yes, 24 hours a day.Where are they anyway? What station, what channel, where? Theseadvertisements are broadcasting to us all day, they are simply our ownthoughts. What are we thinking about anyway? To what are we givingour attention? Whatever it is, positive or negative, wonderful orterrible, it is an advertisement to ourselves. Is it a thought thatwe repeat often? Is it a chronic way of thinking repeated toourselves many times during the day? If that is the case, then it isalmost like hearing a McDonalds advertisement to go out and buy theircheeseburgers. We all know that we become what we think about and that our thoughtsand feelings attract things into our lives. We can use this principleto advertise to ourselves in order to make money. Thoughts are likeTV commercials that play repeatedly in our minds. Why not tune intoan excellent channel and listen to some outstanding advertising thatwe can create for ourselves? Napoleon Hill, author of the classicbook Think and Grow Rich, simply calls this the Principle ofAutosuggestion: Fix in your mind the exact amount of money youdesire. It is not sufficient merely to say I want plenty of money. Be definite as to the amount. Determine exactly what you intend togive in return for the money you desire. There is no such reality assomething for nothing. Establish a definite date when you intend topossess the money you desire. Create a definite plan for carrying outyour desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to putthis plan into action. Write out a clear, concise statement of thisplan and read it out loud to yourself every morning and evening. Hearthe sound of your own voice as you say the words. Do this until theactual physical money appears in your life. Now, there is an advertisement for you! Remember that repetition isthe key to advertising. Repeat this ad to yourself over and over,imagine the end result, picture it vividly in your mind, and takeinspired action. It will happen.
If you are looking for a very reliable income from home that provideshigh earnings quickly with long term dependability, come visit withus;
If you are looking for a very reliable income from home that provideshigh earnings quickly with long term dependability, come visit withus;
Friday, April 10, 2009
Repetition is the Main Ingredient to Advertising
Advertising is an essential part of growing and expanding yourbusiness. You cannot expect your business to grow without consistentadvertising and promotion. This does not mean you need to break thebank to advertise. You do not need to use expensive advertisingmethods to promote your business. You do, however, need to beintelligent in how you advertise and you need to be realistic in whatto expect from your advertising. The most important thing is tosimply hang in there with very consistent advertising that is placedin good sources. Many businesses fall into what could be called the now you see me, nowyou do not syndrome. This is a common scenario with home-businessowners. They place an ad in a newsletter, magazine, newspaper, directmail, TV or website and when they do not see quick results they pulltheir ad after a very short run. This is one of the biggest mistakes abusiness owner can make. Studies show that often a consumer needs to see your ad (product orservice) a number of times before making a buying decision. Not onlydoes repeating your ad give your company recognition with theconsumer, it also gives your company believability. Learn from the very expensive mistake of one internet-company. Thiscompany put their entire advertising budget into a one-timeadvertising spot during the Super Bowl. They hired extra people toman the phone center, expecting huge results. After all, this wasthe Super Bowl with millions upon millions of viewers. But guess whathappened? The phone hardly rang at all. They were dumbfounded andlost their advertising budget completely. Effective ads repeated manytimes in a good publication or TV spots aired during multiple programsover an extended period of time would have given this company the goodresults it was looking for. You cannot expect great results with aone-time shot at advertising. Even if you are advertising to millionsof people, repetition is the key. Your business needs three things from you: Time, energy, andadvertising. Be realistic always and apply the law of averages. Ifyou throw dice enough times, you will get snake eyes. If you plantenough seeds, you will reap an abundant harvest. These universal lawsare not just true in advertising and business, but in our daily lives.It will not all happen overnight, but it will happen sooner than youthink if persistence is utilized. Do the effective and efficientactions in your particular business and always remember that the onlything more important than activity is: Massive activity. Theactivities that you need to do in your business are simple andtherefore easy. Never neglect to do the easy things that you can doevery day. Sow those seeds consistently for at least 90 days and havepatience. Always hold the image in your mind of your businessprospering and bringing to you all the money you will ever need. Itwill happen. Dallas If you are searching for a very reliable income from home thatprovides high earnings quickly with long term dependability, comevisit with us;
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